I just stumbled across my girlfriend’s blog. Her last three blog posts have been about me and about how she fell in love with me. She had never told me that this was how her feelings developed, and my heart is exploding reading all about it. I can’t believe how highly she’s written about me. […]

Footy is back! I’m a thirty-year-old woman and I’m about to play my second ever season of football. Up until about four years ago, only men played footy past the age of twelve. There were no opportunities for girls to play and it was only ever considered a men’s sport, and so after I turned […]

Before I start, I just want to say that you should absolutely believe everything I say in these blog posts. I’m putting them up so that the good people of Melbourne know all about my house hunt, and definitely not to trick the time hunters who want to capture me for travelling back in time […]

I’ve just arrived in Sydney, and let me tell you, that was one heck of a drive. So many people are fleeing Victoria! I’m sure most of them thought I was fleeing too, but I’m just trying to do my job, delivering important equipment all around the country in my ute. Anyway, I had access […]

I’ve always wondered how Dark Invader manages to breathe in the Space Battles movies. In the third one, we see that the galactic supervillain sustained serious injuries on an ice planet while fighting his former mentor. His body basically freezes over, preventing him from breathing properly. Dark Invader probably would have perished if not for […]

I am slightly concerned that my loyal blog readers are starting to believe that I waste valuable time and resources on managing my band during office hours. While I had been doing it under the guise of helping two New Zealanders adapt to Australian life, I just found out that managing my band at the […]

I never thought I’d be taking my ute on such a long drive, but here we are. I’ve recently accepted a contract that will have me driving professional tools and equipment to several cities around Australia. I’ll be away from home for several weeks, but the pay is really good. I just hope my fish […]

Okay, internet people, I have returned from our Superb Owl viewing. No, unfortunately the great owl did not show up, once again. I do not understand why they call it the Superb Owl if there is no superb owl. Lazarus and I are always disappointed by it. They have all these bright lights and this […]

Something weird just happened. I thought today would be an ordinary day, where I would go and get some simple car repair without any complications whatsoever. For the most part, I was right about that. Except for the strange person (was it even a person?) I saw there. After a nice breakfast of salmon and […]

I really miss Australia’s Next Top Office. That was a standout show, far above the rest of recent Australian television. Whoever came up with that concept is a total genius. Little Brother was just getting boring after twenty years. We needed something new, something fresh. It didn’t seem possible. We were doomed to endure another […]